Thursday, February 11, 2016

Thursday February 11


We began the day with M.E.  I read the story Love Monster 'You might have noticed that everyone loves kittens, and puppies and bunnies. You know, cute, fluffy things," remarks the chatty narrator of "Love Monster" a winning picture book by Rachel Bright. The world's affection for cuteness makes it tough for the funny-looking, "slightly hairy" title character who yearns for love and acceptance.   I read the book up until the final few pages then stopped.  The students then had to write their own ending to this friendship story.  All the students gave endings similar to the book, which was great, as they showed they followed the concept that loving cute and cuddly things is easy.  However, a couple of the endings the students wrote were much better.   We picked our favorite 4 endings written by the students and they read them out to the class.  They are also going to read them to Mrs. Cannon's grade 2 class. (who I borrowed the book from and who know the story)


At 9:30 the students went to Library where they renewed or took out books as well as learning about great children s books and children's book authors.

After recess we talked about and did a one page on our Social Studies, How We travel series.  Today we learned about the Birch Bark Canoe.   We talked about, read about and watched video's on the Birch Bark Canoe then worked to complete a one page report in their Socials Duo-tang on the Birch Bark Canoe.  We learned that the birch bark canoe was the principal means of water transportation for Aboriginal peoples of the Eastern Woodlands.

It was the perfect craft for hunting beaver and made the fur trade possible.  The birch bark canoe  was  perfectly adapted to summer travel through the network of shallow streams, ponds, lakes and swift rivers of the Canadian Shield because:  (For the test)

-It was silent
-It was light and easy to carry
-It could go in very shallow water 
-It could be maneuvered easily
-It could be easily repaired using only bark and tree sap

The students then went to Music where they continued working on learning the recorder. 

After lunch the students went to P.E. and took part in our jump rope for"Jump rope for heart school challenge.  Last year the jump rope for heart foundation helped more than 955,000 kids across Canada get started on eating well, being physically active and remaining smoke free through school-based programs like the one being run at our school today.

After P.E. Some students read their story endings to the class, Mrs. Cannon's class, and to Mrs. Burly.  Well done everyone.

We ended the day working on our Trading Posts for store day tomorrow.  The students make and sell stuff to the little kids in the school.  It is lots of fun... Stay tuned for tomorrow's blog to read all about it.   Or just ask your child.   ha ha...

see you all tomorrow.  Mr W.

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