KS, MD, JM and AT
These students will be getting Bear Awards.
the Bear awards areas are listed below.
Bear Community ROCKS- Kindness
[Protecting Family]
Internal skills *self-Awareness * Ability to make meaning *creativity
caring *making others feel welcome
preserver *looking
after others feelings and belongings
safety *caring
about the well-being of others
helping others *always giving or ready to
give help
We began the day with M.E. The students drew a picture of them in costume then took a thesaurus and looked for 5 great words to describe their Halloween. So instead of scary one student wrote spine-chilling and another wrote blood-curdling. Even though hour M.E. is a writing time drawing has been show to help thinking. For example drawing is one of the many ways to help you think. Drawing helps ideas come forth. The drawing keeps your mind focus and occupied and ripe for ideas to arise. So drawing their Halloween experience helps the vocabulary come, and writing the vocabulary helps the drawing come.
We then watched video's about fractions. We saw how fractions are added, and what fractions are. I am going to have the students make an I-pad video on fractions for themselves tomorrow. Demonstrating learning in a variety of ways is better than just giving them drill and practice sheets in math. I want to know they understand the concept.
After recess the students went to the computer lab and we did keyboard exercises to find and use the symbols to make smiles and creatures. It was very creative and took a lot of thinking on the part of the students to imagine and present emotions using keyboard symbols.
Computers were followed by music with Mrs. Awalt who is already preparing them for our Winter concert as well as our Remembrance day assembly.
The students in cross country and soccer had a pizza party in the music room. Thanks Ms Edwards and Mrs Cathcart.
After lunch we read silently then prepared to go skating. Each year our parent auxiliary pay for two skating field trips for our students. For a few students it is the first opportunity that they ever get to go skating. Thanks Parent Group. Of course we also have many great skaters in our class. Everyone tried and it was Great... thanks everyone see you tomorrow.
See you all tomorrow. Mr. W
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