Thursday, November 6, 2014

Silent Reading, Library, If I could be, Calculators, Wreaths and a Myth

Scholastic Book Orders: Due Tomorrow (Friday)
Remembrance day is Tuesday No School
Our Remembrance day Assembly is on Monday
Students in Cubs, Scouts, Cadets, Brownies etc can come in uniform to be part of the Colour Party at the assembly.  Families are welcome to join us at the assembly as well.

Spelling Test Tomorrow

We began the day as we do most days with some silent reading.  Students found the scholastic book order forms on their desk from Mrs. Dagg and I gave them 10 minutes to peruse them.  Thinking about and enjoying books is a part of becoming a great reader.  

At 9:30 we went to library.  The librarian read the story, "The Highway of Heroes" A book that tries to help students understand the immediacy and impact of war.  The students then had time to take a couple of books out of the library.

After recess the students wrote in their Morning Exercise Book.  Today they had to write about what character from a book they would be.  They had to write why they would be that character and what they would change from the story.

In math students worked on an addition and calculator based math activity.  I gave the students a copy of the Toys R Us, and the Target Christmas catalogues. The students then had to use a bookkeeping format itemizing and subtotals to find out the price of 10 things they would buy for themselves and 10 things they would buy for their family.   This real life activity shows the relevance of math, promotes budgeting, making choices, develops an understanding the cost of things and is fun. An added bonus is the discount coupons for up to 25% that the advanced students.    The students were allowed to work in groups but each student had to fill our their own form based on their own choices.  One of the students said that he was going to use this as his Christmas Wish List....

After lunch the students continued working on their Math assignment for 15 minutes.  We then Made our poppies for our wreath which will be presented as part of our Remembrance day Assembly.

The students then read a First Nations myth called "The Song Birds."  A myth about how the Great Spirit, after creating the earth, the seasons and all living things gave the birds voices.  The students read the myth, answered some question, did a word search, unscrambled some words then drew the myth as a comic on a Comic Sheet which they put into their Social Studies duo-tang.   Tomorrow's test will have the question.....  In the story The Song Birds what did the Great Spirit do to cure his loneliness?

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