Thursday, February 4, 2016

Thursday February 4

We began the day finishing our Socials from yesterday.  We brainstormed all the ways we travel today.  The students came up with way more things than I found on Google.  It was amazing.  The students came up with so many things which is why we had to continue this morning.

The grade 4's went with Mrs. English to do an online satisfaction health survey.  Parents are invited to do the survey online as well.

We then went to library for a book exchange and a look at a cool book promotion site 39 clues.  The students can log on at home (with your permission) and explore more.

After recess the students had a silent reading period, and being Thursday they are allowed to buddy read.

We then worked on making our scenes for our Velveteen Rabbit movie.

Spelling: don't, didn't,  I'll, I'm, it's, let's you're, we're, doesn't, o'clock, won't, wouldn't, it's, can't, that's

The students were given a paragraph or series of related paragraphs to design the scene for the movie we will be making of the Velveteen Rabbit.

The students then went to music where they sang and continued working on learning the recorder.

After lunch the students went to P.E. where they are learning basketball skills and group games.

After P.E. the grade 4's finished up their FSA booklets checking that they were finished everything.  The grade 3's kept planning and some started making their background scenes for our movie.

We had our daily song-off.  A's Song up against P's song."The BFF song"  A won again.  "Gift of a Friend."

We watched a few more examples of the Velveteen rabbit on youtube.  The students made notes of ideas that we could use.

We ended the day with a clean up and a game.

Test for tomorrow will be on spelling and  three facts about the shape, name and our location in  our galaxy
-Our galaxy is spiral
-Our galaxy is called the Milky Way
-We live near the edge of our galaxy on one of the outer spiral arms

See you all tomorrow.

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