Thursday, September 17, 2015

Wednesday / Math, Reading, Assembly, Music

Calvin and Hobbs  the irony of saving a snowball until summer

No School Monday 21st Pro-D Day

Scholastic Book Orders
Due Wed Sept 23 

Was Our Class was the first in the school to return all forms?:   

Will we win the ice cream treat prize?
we will find out tomorrow......

We began the day with Calvin and Hobbes.  This was followed by and a song off where "Not One Of Us" from Lion King, suggested by A. was up against "I Wanna Be Like You" from the Jungle book, suggested by me.  The students voted and "Not One Of Us" won.  

We then carried on with the addition from yesterday. The students got two points for each question.  One point for the correct answer and one point for identifying tens and doubles. I find that giving students simple addition makes them think the basics are hard.  Giving them a longer list of numbers makes them think that the basics are easy.

After Recess the students had silent reading followed by Coral reading of the story chicken little Choral reading is reading aloud in unison with a whole class or group of students. After hearing the teacher read and discuss a selection, students reread the text together. Choral reading helps build students' fluency, self-confidence, vocabulary knowledge, motivation, and enjoyment of literature.  As this was their first time, I realized that they found it hard to identify all the different voices.  We will try again tomorrow in groups of 4 or 5.  The students may bring this home to practice with you, so be prepared to work on your funny voices.

After lunch a group of students went off with our ESL teacher Ms. K.  The rest of the class worked on catching up on their unfinished work.

We ended the day off with our first assembly. The students were welcomed back, we talked about assembly expectations, heard a few announcements then New and Old staff members were  introduced.

Great day everyone.... see you tomorrow

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