Friday, September 25, 2015

Friday Sept 25

I was away for two days.  It is nice to be back in the classroom after being at home for two days.  We began the day with our listening project.  Each day a student suggests a Disney song and we compare it to the winning Disney song from the previous day.  Today T's song from Mulan "I'm Going To Make a Man Out of You" was up against  K's song "Hi Ho" from Snow White.  T's Son Won for the second time.

After the Day's song the students worked on subtraction basics in math.  After 5 students had finished the 6 pages of subtraction, I collected the sheets and we went to computers.  In computers we are learning about Word a word processor.  The students typed out a story they wrote yesterday for one of the subs.  The writing activity was for the students to draw any picture.  They had 5 minutes after which time they were told to stop and write a story to go with their picture.

After Recess the students read (or drew because it is Friday) then filled out their reading log of what they drew or read.  From there we video's the students reading their poem presented with their hand puppets.  It is our first attempt at this type of thing so there were a few glitches, but everyone had fun and that is the best part of learning.

After lunch we went to Mrs. Dagg's class for Buddies.  In buddies we work with the grade 1's on math, reading and a lot of cool things.   This was followed by a finish work period.
Our lunch monitors

 The students ended the day in P.E. with our P.E. specialist who is teaching them sports basics and activities.  Great day everyone.  Have a great weekend.  Avoid the flu and have fun.

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