Meet the Teacher Tomorrow
Thursday 4:30 - 6:30
4:30 - 5:30 say hello and introduce yourself to the teacher in the class
5:30 - 630 buy pizza and meet your children's friends and families
5:30 - 630 buy pizza and meet your children's friends and families
We began the day working on their M.E, writing assignment from yesterday "If I were an animal". the students had to think about themselves and their qualities then think of an animal with similar qualities. It was very interesting how the students saw themselves. With each ME the students write, draw, add a title, color and a border. I am proud of the work they are producing which is of higher quality than I thought. Well done everyone
Our music challenge today was Aristocats ' Everybody Wants to be a Cat' vs Rapunzel "Rapunzel Knows Best." Aristocats won.
The students are starting a unit on Fractions with me starting next Tuesday.
After recess the students were put into groups, given an I-pad and used the program ' Book Creator' to make a tribute to Terry Fox. A student who knew how to use the program picked a group. We have 6 i-pads so 6 groups were formed of 3 or 4 students.
At 11:33 the students wen to Music with Mrs. Awalt. They are learning about rhythm, reading rhythm charts and how the words drive the melodies of songs. As well Mrs. Awalt gets the students to move and use their bodies to respond to music and rhythm.

We finished up the day making sure our Socials, ME and Science books were looking good for Meet the Creature day tomorrow.
Great job everyone... see you tomorrow. I look forward to meeting your parents and family..