Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Wednesday Sept 29

Spirit Group for Terry Fox Run

Meet the Teacher Tomorrow 
Thursday 4:30 - 6:30
4:30 - 5:30 say hello and introduce yourself to the teacher in the class 
5:30 - 630 buy pizza and meet your children's friends and families

We began the day working on their  M.E, writing assignment from yesterday "If I were an animal".  the students had to think about themselves and their qualities then think of an animal with similar qualities.  It was very interesting how the students saw themselves.  With each ME the students write, draw, add a title, color and a border.  I am proud of the work they are producing which is of higher quality than I thought.  Well done everyone

Our music challenge today was Aristocats ' Everybody Wants to be a Cat' vs Rapunzel "Rapunzel Knows Best."  Aristocats won.

In math the students worked on two digit + two digit addition.   Some students use the up and down method you are familiar with and others use the side by side method.  Both work well and many students can do both.  This and next week we will be focusing on the side by side 10's then 1's method.  (The side by side with subtraction means no borrowing which is easier for some students)
The students are starting a unit on Fractions with me starting next Tuesday.   

After recess the students were put into groups, given an I-pad and used the program ' Book Creator' to make a tribute to Terry Fox.  A student who knew how to use the program picked a group.  We have 6 i-pads so 6 groups were formed of 3 or 4 students.

At 11:33 the students wen to Music with Mrs. Awalt.  They are learning about rhythm, reading rhythm charts and how the words drive the melodies of songs.  As well Mrs. Awalt gets the students to move and use their bodies to respond to music and rhythm.

After lunch the students read for 30 minutes then the whole school went outside and ran clockwise around the school for our Terry Fox run. (we explained how students are not allowed to go through the parking lot except on special occasions like today.) Thank you to the spirit leaders who planned and organized the event, and thank you to all the students who brought in nickles, dimes etc.

We finished up the day making sure our Socials, ME and Science books were looking good for Meet the Creature day tomorrow.     

Great job everyone... see you tomorrow.  I look forward to meeting your parents and family..

Friday, September 25, 2015

Friday Sept 25

I was away for two days.  It is nice to be back in the classroom after being at home for two days.  We began the day with our listening project.  Each day a student suggests a Disney song and we compare it to the winning Disney song from the previous day.  Today T's song from Mulan "I'm Going To Make a Man Out of You" was up against  K's song "Hi Ho" from Snow White.  T's Son Won for the second time.

After the Day's song the students worked on subtraction basics in math.  After 5 students had finished the 6 pages of subtraction, I collected the sheets and we went to computers.  In computers we are learning about Word a word processor.  The students typed out a story they wrote yesterday for one of the subs.  The writing activity was for the students to draw any picture.  They had 5 minutes after which time they were told to stop and write a story to go with their picture.

After Recess the students read (or drew because it is Friday) then filled out their reading log of what they drew or read.  From there we video's the students reading their poem presented with their hand puppets.  It is our first attempt at this type of thing so there were a few glitches, but everyone had fun and that is the best part of learning.

After lunch we went to Mrs. Dagg's class for Buddies.  In buddies we work with the grade 1's on math, reading and a lot of cool things.   This was followed by a finish work period.
Our lunch monitors

 The students ended the day in P.E. with our P.E. specialist who is teaching them sports basics and activities.  Great day everyone.  Have a great weekend.  Avoid the flu and have fun.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Friday Sept 18

Pro-D Monday NO School

Wed Sept 23 PAC Meeting (Child minding provided)

Thursday Oct 1 Meet the Teacher
We began the day greetings, News and of course with Calvin and Hobbes.  This was followed by and a song off where "Not One Of Us" from Lion King, suggested by A. was up against "Under the Sea" from the little Mermaid, suggested by K.  The students voted and "Not One Of Us" won for the third day in a row.  'Not One Of Us" is entered in the finals.  Next week we will start with two more contenders.

After the Introduction the students went back into their choral reading groups and made puppets to go along with their Reading of "Chicken Little"  We will video their final projects and post them.

In math we worked with a box of smarties and talked about probability using a box of smarties. Talking about math in a normal fun way makes math seem simple and a part of our daily lives.  First the students had to guess (predict) the number of smarties from a range of 8 - 12.  Their were 9.   This was not a real prediction for they had little or no background information.  We then predicted which color of smartie would be the most of.  We looked at the box and from experience made a prediction.  This prediction was still a guess but based on some background information. The winner of the number of smarties and the most common smarties both got to eat one.  From there we put the smarties back in the box and predicted what color the next smartie taken from the box would be.  There were 3 brown and only one green so brown would be the best prediction, etc.  We did this until all the smarties were eaten.

For socials the students finished the map of the class and started a map of their room at home.  The key concepts were the same as yesterday with the exception that they were allowed to add non permanent movable objects like Stuffies and other treasures if they were always found in the same places.

After lunch we had Reading followed by buddies with Mrs. Dagg's class where the students help construct paper diggers, work on the little buddies a b c books and read.

After buddies we had a finish off all work period followed by P.E.

Great work everyone... look for pictures to be added tonight or tomorrow...