Monday, April 20, 2015

Weather Report, Shape Poetry and the Benefits of Exercise

This week the students are starting their extreme weather reports. They can choose to report on either tornadoes, hurricanes or blizzards. They each received a criteria sheet and seem very eager to start. In case you wanted to take a look at the criteria for the reports, here it is:

In Language Arts, the students created concrete poems (or shape poems). The idea is to draw a picture, then write words about that topic along the lines of the drawing. Here are a few examples: 

We also talked about the benefits of physical activity. With the beautiful weather we've been having, I hope you get the chance to get outside together. Here are some of the reasons we came up with, as a class, when discussing why physical activity is beneficial: 

Tomorrow all the Grade 4 students will be having an emergency preparedness presentation in the gym. Be sure to ask your child what they learned!

-Ms. D.

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