Thursday, December 4, 2014

Science Stations, Bullying, and Friendship

Science Experiment: Concave and convex surfaces that reflect light.
On the back of a spoon, your reflection is upside down!
Experiment: Can light bend around corners?
With Mrs. Schneider this week, students continued learning about Light in Science. In groups of 3 or 4, they rotated through 6 learning stations where they completed experiments to learn about how light travels, how light behaves, what our eye sees, and what our brain perceives. These were 2 rich, learning times where we all had a lot of fun.
Writing and reading secret messages
with a mirror (spelled backwards).
Optical Illusions: What do you see?

In Language Arts, we continued with our novel study, connecting the story to our own experiences through writing and drawing.

In Art, students completed beautiful watercolour and oil pastel winter art scenes that are on the bulletin boards outside of our classroom.

In Math, we sorted 3D solids by common attributes. Through hands-on lessons, students are learning to identify the names of 3D solids, and describe their faces, vertices (corners), and edges (sides), as well as understand how they are constructed.

We also discussed and learned about the difference between someone bothering you and bullying, how to deal with conflict with other students if using your WITS isn't working, and how to be a good friend. Ms. Beaulac, our Youth and Family Counsellor, also came to talk to our class about her job and how she helps students.

This topic ties in well with our novel study, where 5 students are on a sailboat for a month and must learn how to cooperate peacefully together.

As Mr. W said, great work this week!

Mrs. Schneider

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