Granola bar service project wraps up tomorrow
Our class is making the train cars for the Granola bar drive |
We began after recess with ME. We talked about, then the students wrote a one page report to answer three questions: What makes someone popular? What do they think they will be remembered for? And what do they want to be remembered for? We will look at the students answers another day and do follow up. After the students had been writing for 20 minutes I showed the dr. Seuss movie the Star Bellied Sneetches.
In The Sneetches, by Dr. Seuss, some Sneetches had green stars on their bellies while others did not. “Those stars weren’t so big. They were really so small. You might think such a thing wouldn’t matter at all.” However, the stars served as a source of discrimination until Sylvester McMonkey McBean came to town with a machine to add and remove stars, forcing the Sneetches to question their differences.
The Sneetches by Dr. Seuss is excellent for discussing issues of prejudice and discrimination with children. When the Star-Bellied Sneetches and the Plain-Bellied Sneetches treat one another disrespectfully because of simple stars on their bellies, one is forced to question the absurdity of such prejudice. Though most people would agree that discriminating based on stars on a creature’s belly is silly, we can come to a better understanding of the nature of prejudice and discrimination through discussing questions of metaphysics.
After lunch we read for 10 minutes then went to P.E. where we played a rousing, hopping, dipping, diving and dodging game for 30 minutes.
After P.E. we talked about what an environment was. The students gave many ideas to begin to understand the concept of an environment includes all living and non living parts of an area. We will write and talk about this concept tomorrow as we did not have time to finish our discussion and write. Hopefully tonight students will think further about the question and add more insightful comments.
At 2:00 the students not in choir listened to and did a one page report on Bing Crosby, one of America's most popular entertainers of all time. Bing Crosby sang such hit songs as the ever-popular holiday classic "White Christmas."
From there we cleaned up, played a game of Simon Says then headed home. Great day everyone.
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