Sunday, November 23, 2014

Wednesday Earth Rangers, Endangered Animals, P.E. and Awards Assembly


Earthquake 'comfort kit' by Monday November 24th
If your child does not have a comfort kit returned to school by then, a generic kit will be put into our earthquake supplies for them. Those parents who have sent in a photo, a small plush toy, a non-perishable snack and a note in a sandwich sized Ziplock bag labeled with your child's name and class division, thank you, and please disregard this notice.

We began the day after recess with a show and share.  'A' brought in his Earth Rangers kit and official membership card and talked about it with the class.  This was well timed as the students in their M.E. did some handwriting practice writing an  a - z for animals, (many endangered).

Other Earth Rangers with official registration cards

After Show and share we moved to a handwriting practice where the students printed and hand writ  the A-Z names of animals, many of them endangered.  The students are getting better at handwriting and just need practice to make perfect.  We notice sometimes that students who have hard to read printing sometimes are able to handwrite much neater.  The students had to draw a small picture then print and write the name.

The Students looked at a list of qualities and virtues and picked 4 that they thought were their best qualities.  We like students to draw themselves and we like students to reflect and write about themselves.  As well the students had to give proof and evidence to show that they had the qualities.

At Lunch the servers are excited and energetic helpers in the kitchen and upper serving station

After lunch we  headed off to the gym where we played an active game to get out the rainy day indoor lunch period.

After P.E. we went back to the class and had a finish work period and those students finished had a choice of reading, drawing.  They also had 5 minutes to peruse the Scholastic Book order form before putting it into their backpacks.

At 2 we headed back to the gym for the Awards assembly.  Three of our students received awards.  Well done A, A and C.  Glad to see that your parents were able to come and see you getting your awards and hearing all the nice things we have to say about each of the students.

Back in the class the students got their notices out of their mailboxes and we headed home.  Great day every one.

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