Monday, February 27, 2017

Monday More Snow...

Choir Members Permission form Went home today

We began the week in the computer lab continuing on the Science BC learning outcomes: 
Living things are diverse, can be grouped and interact in their ecosystems.” grade 3
“All living things sense and respond to their environment” grade 4

By doing different animals, reptiles, fish, birds, trying to do a beautiful presentation in Power Point the students are demonstrating that thousands of plants and animals exude charm, pleasure, and beauty and helps the students understand themselves as biological creatures at one with the diversity of all life.

This week we focused on a fish.  The criteria for their Power point project is:

Each page needs one or two sentences and there should be a:
(Main Idea.  We want synthesis not 
-Title page
-What is a fish?
-What is a fish 
-Basic description (weight height, color, fur/skin etc.
-What it eats
-What eats it (predators)
-How does it protect itself (Claws, running, digging, hiding)
-What do young ones look like
-Habitat (Fresh water, salt water both)
-What makes it great
-Is it in danger from Man?

-Some cool pictures and some cool facts.

After recess the students worked on this weeks spelling words: 
follow below own grown town ground around found about house group would should country cousin

 After spelling the students worked on a six part how to make a new friend in their ME duo-tang.  They could either respond using detailed pictures with a word or two or a detailed sentence with a simple drawing.  They were to say how hard they found it to make a new friend then respond in the following sections: First / Then / Give them / and / always / finally.  At the grade 3/4 level students are still working on those things that go into making friend relationships.

We extended the Science into art where the students were to build a 3-d picture responding to the ideas they explored in their power point explorations.  I think that the art connection is important as recent study has revealed a correlation between arts education and math and writing test scores. 

We rounded the day off with silent reading, gym and they continued to work on their science art while I continued reading from Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone.

Great day everyone.  Hope you enjoy this extended snow time.  Be Safe.  See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Monday February 20 - Wednesday Feb 22


Friday February 24th Pro-D day No School

Activities so far this week:
Grade 3 Swimming lessons
Grade 4's to Symphony
Some grade 4's to Basketball tournament
Some grade 4's to Swim Meet

Theme of the week 

As usual on Mondays we began with spelling worksheets to practice and drill in words and concepts.

In math this week we worked on reading large numbers up to the trillions

We wrote about what it means to have or be a friend.  This was our introduction to Anti-Bully week

In computers we have worked on mammals, reptiles, fish, insects, birds so on Monday this week I let them do a mythical creature but using the same format.  

Reading, Spelling, Writing, Sharing what we wrote using the overhead sound system.

P.E. Group games are their favourite.

Grade 3 swimming lessons

Lots and lots of computer project time as individuals or groups. 

Working on an ongoing puzzle on the back table

Students love using the i-pads then sharing their work on the Tech package.

Each class put their handprints on paper to decorate the Anti-bully Pink shirt day assembly. 

 How to turn a bully into a friend instead of a punching bag.  
(A name suggested by K one of the grade 3 students)

A learning sharing week.  I will not be in tomorrow.  And remember what the substitute teacher said last time she was in... "I'm not Mr. Wilson." ha ha  take care of her and yourselves