Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Tuesday Jan 31


-Friday February 3rd
Food for Fun

We had a great day... wrote and prepared a debate over which are better cats or dogs, had gym, did some math then went swimming with the grade 3's while the 4's learned about Google apps from the librarian.  By the time we got back from swimming in the afternoon we only had time to reorganized our class groups, finished our cat vs dog writing clean up and head home.

See you all soon.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Week of Jan 23 - 28

Some pictures from the week:

The event is the visit from the Lieutenant Governor for BC Judity Guichon to celebrate Canada's 150
The Honourable Judith Guichon was sworn-in as the 29th Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia on November 2, 2012. Prior to this appointment she owned and operated Gerard Ranch Limited in the Nicola Valley in the British Columbia Interior.