Saturday, November 26, 2016

Friday November 25

Craft fair and market Friday and Saturday
Come support the community crafters and get some great presents

Art Fundraiser stuff will be handed out on Monday.

School Granola bar drive is coming along great.  The drive is headed by Mrs. Dagg, the teacher of our little buddy class.  Our class are designing and painting the collection train.

We start Friday in the computer lab typing our weekly writing assignments onto the computer.

We have our weekly spelling test, do some science and group work.  The afternoon is silent reading, buddies and ended off with p.e.  

We had a active day of work, well done everyone.  See you Monday
15/15 always good for a smile

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thursday November 24


Toys at school even for show and smell are now deeply discouraged. 

Craft fair market tomorrow and Saturday.

We began the day with a rousing game in the gym with Mrs. Cannon's class.

We followed this with an art lesson to go with yesterday's writing assignment on a special family member.

After recess we went to library to learn book and library skills as well as to renew our library books.

We returned to individual or group reading.

This was followed by music with Mrs. Awalt practicing for our X-mas concert

After lunch we had silent reading followed by show and smell.  This was followed by science where we looked at Gasoline as a widespread and important form of energy.

Spelling test tomorrow (words to right).  See you all then.

Thursday November 24


Toys at school even for show and smell are now deeply discouraged. 

Craft fair market tomorrow and Saturday.

We began the day with a rousing game in the gym with Mrs. Cannon's class.

We followed this with an art lesson to go with yesterday's writing assignment on a special family member.

After recess we went to library to learn book and library skills as well as to renew our library books.

We returned to individual or group reading.

This was followed by music with Mrs. Awalt practicing for our X-mas concert

After lunch we had silent reading followed by show and smell.  This was followed by science where we looked at Gasoline as a widespread and important form of energy.

Spelling test tomorrow (words to right).  See you all then.