Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Tuesday March 29th

Please send in student led conference forms with your child or a sibling so we can coordinate their meeting and greeting times.

Welcome back everyone.  Well not everyone, M has moved to Saskatoon and we will miss her.

We began the day with our weekly spelling preparation with the focus this week to spell r-controlled words with ar, are, or and ore.  The spelling words are: aren't, partner, hard, chart, farm, start, large, more, before, horse, north, morning, care, stare, warning (words are also at the side )

After spelling the students wrote about a moment or story from their spring break or Easter.  

After recess we went to the computer lab until Music at 1130.  The students worked on a Microsoft Word assignment to get back up to speed on word processing.  They also typed their Easter/Spring break story.

After lunch we returned to the library to get a book for classroom and home reading.  This was followed by a very quiet and focused reading block.  It is sometimes hard to get right back into the swing of school and expectations after a couple of weeks off running wild at home.  

We followed silent reading with Socials where we are beginning a unit on 4 very different communities in British Columbia.  Ahousat, Fort Nelson, Kelowna and then a research project on a BC city of their choice.  The grade 3's are looking at ways of describing a community in terms of population, location, the environment and life in the community.  The grade 4's are looking at the four same communities from a more in depth personal opinion approach. A) they will have to describe how they would feel if they had to move and live in that community. and B) They have to pretend to be a community helper or and describe what the job would be like in that community. 

Great to see everyone.  See you all tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Last day before Spring Break

Hope everyone is having a great relaxing break.

After reviewing your report cards I am proud of all the hard work you have all been doing.  Well done everyone.

Here are pictures of our last day before spring break... Enjoy

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Thursday March 10th

Report cards home

Walk-a-thon forms
A great way to exercise and make money for the school programs

Bring in student led conference forms please.

Test Tomorrow only spelling

Pictures of the week