Saturday, October 31, 2015

Friday October 30

Picture retake next week Friday November 13
Monday the minister of Education 
is coming to school for a visit to see the Earthquake upgrades

I forgot to type in the spelling words on the blog so we skipped the test and we began the day in the computer lab typing in writing assignments from the week including  10 clues to guess ourselves then 10 clues to guess a Halloween object.  The students worked hard and are learning how to use Word, a very helpful and useful learning tool.

After recess we made costumes for our stuffy's and made icing to decorate cookies.  It was kind of like a cooking show.  It challenged the students to think creatively, and to plan and work together, all skills they will need in life.

After Lunch we had buddies then judged the creations and finished the day with P.E.  The Stuffy costumes were judged then the cookie creations.  To judge picked 6 cookies from their group to enter into the quarter finals.  Some groups, instead of picking the best 6 out of all the cookies the group made, each member just in one of their own. The class was then given two  vote coupons and went around the class and picked the ones they liked the best.  They could only vote for one in their own groups.  After all the coupons were counted then the two cookies from each group with the most votes were put into the finals.  The above process was done again.   It was all good fun and no one seemed to upset when their amazing creations did not win.  There is some belief that the boys vote for boys instead of the best ones but the girls seem to expect that.  Ha ha.  Well done everyone I am proud of you all and think you all did an amazing job.

Have a fun and safe Halloween, Hope the rain stops long enough to get enough loot to keep your teachers jumping for a month or so.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Tuesday Wednesday Thursday October 27 28 29

Many notices are being returned... Thanks everyone

Tomorrow's test will be spelling and a little bit of fraction math including addition of fractions

Yes the students are allowed to bring one stuffy, not a precious one, that we can dress up.  

It has been a hectic and busy week with subs and the like as we are getting ready with paintings and mural stuff in advance of the Minister of Education coming on Monday.  As such I never got time to put up information.  So I will just put up a few pictures to show some of the great stuff we did this week.   See you all tomorrow.