Tuesday, May 26, 2015

SPCA Presentation Next Week

A message to Parents and Guardians, 

Next week, on Tuesday, June 2, our class will be receiving a presentation from the SPCA on bite prevention and dog safety. The SPCA volunteers will bring two small dogs into the classroom to supplement the presentation. These dogs have been temperament tested and visit many classrooms in the district each year. Parents are welcome to attend this in class presentation. It will take place from 1:00-2:00 on Tuesday, June 2. Please feel free to email me at cdesmarais@sd61.bc.ca, if you have any questions or concerns regarding this presentation. 

Thank you, 
Ms. C. Desmarais

Track Meet Photos

Here are some photos from the track meet yesterday.
All of the students from Tillicum did an amazing job! We are so proud of them.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Charcoal Vases

Today for Art, we sketched and shaded vases using various types of charcoal pencils. I really enjoyed how willing and daring each and every student was today. It was my first time teaching an art lesson using charcoal, so I explained that it might be a learning experience for all of us, but I was so proud of everyone and how these pictures turned out. I absolutely love teaching art to this talented group of students!

-Ms. Desmarais

Monday, May 4, 2015

Weather Reports Due


Weather Reports are due tomorrow!! Thank you to those of you who handed your reports in early. If you need a copy of the criteria sheet, you can find it in the previous post. These reports can be done by hand or typed on the computer. Each page must have a small picture :)

Thank you,
Ms. D.