Sunday, September 28, 2014

Math Descriptors for Grade 4

-represents and describes whole numbers to 10 000, pictorially and symbolically
-compares and orders numbers to 10 000
-demonstrates understanding of addition (up to 10 000) by using personal strategies 
-explains the properties of 0 and 1 for multiplication and the property of 1 for division
-describes and applies mental math strategies to answer multiplication and related division facts to 81
-demonstrates understanding of multiplication to solve problems by using various strategies
-demonstrates understanding of division (1-digit by 2-digit) to solve problems by using various strategies
-demonstrates understanding of fractions (< or = to 1) by using concrete and pictorial representations 
-describes and represents decimals (tenths and hundredths) concretely, pictorially and symbolically
-relates decimals to fractions (to hundredths)
-demonstrates understanding of addition/subtraction of decimals (to hundredths)

Patterns and Relations:

-identifies and describes patterns found in tables and charts, including a multiplication chart 
-identifies and describes patterns found in tables and charts, including a multiplication chart
-reproduces a pattern shown in a table or chart using concrete materials
-represents and describes patterns and relationships using charts and tables to solve problems 

-identifies and explains mathematical relationships using charts and diagrams to solve problems
-expresses a given problem as an equation in which a symbol is used to represent an unknown number
-solves one-step equations involving a symbol to represent an unknown number (e.g., N + 8 = 17)

Shape and Space:

-reads and records time using digital and analog clocks, including 24-hour clocks
-reads and records calendar dates in a variety of formats
-determines and records area of regular, irregular 2-D shapes
-demonstrates understanding of area by constructing different rectangles for a given area
-describes and constructs rectangular and triangular prisms
-demonstrates understanding of line symmetry by identifying  creating and drawing 2-D shapes
-constructs and interprets pictographs and bar graphs involving many-to-one correspondence-
-constructs and interprets pictographs and bar graphs  to draw conclusions

Friday, September 26, 2014

Week One

Bag puppets from Student stories

Thank you parents and students for a great start to the year.  The class has just completed it's first enjoyable and successful week.  Please fill in the Blog permission forms so we can begin to put up pictures of your children working in the class and in the school.

Thank you
Mr. Wilson
Mrs. Schneider